Remove class from body tag in wordpress

Created at 18-Mar-2021 , By samar

Remove class from body tag in wordpress

In this session, we will try our hand at solving the "Remove class from body tag in wordpress".

  • Remove multiple classes from body tag in wordpress

    --PATH wp-content\themes\<yourTheme>\functions.php
    add_filter('body_class', 'remove_body_classes');
    function remove_body_classes( $classes ) { 
        $remove_classes = ['custom-class', 'archive'];
        $classes = array_diff($classes, $remove_classes);
        return $classes;    

    If you want to remove any particular class or classes from the body tag in wordpress you can remove it by using array_diff() function. array_diff() function removes the list of items of an array from the given array. You can pass more classes with comma separated values to $remove_classes variable. Just copy/paste code in your functions.php file to remove unwanted classes in wordpress.

  • Remove all nasty classes from body tag

    --PATH wp-content\themes\<yourTheme>\functions.php
    function remove_all_class_names($classes) {
        return array();

    If you want to remove all classes from body tag in wordpress just add code to your theme's function.php file. It will remove all the nasty classes from your body tag.

  • Remove a single class from body tag in wordpress

    --PATH wp-content\themes\<yourTheme>\functions.php
    add_filter('body_class', 'remove_body_class');
    function remove_body_class( $classes ) {
        $remove_class = ['remove-class'];
        $classes = array_diff($classes, $remove_class);
        return $classes;

    Remove a single class from body tag in wordpress, you can use this method to remove a single class from the body in wordpress. You can change the value of $remove_class variable and pass the class name which you want to remove from the page.

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