The Pusher library requires the PHP cURL module. Please ensure it is installed
The Pusher library requires the PHP cURL module. Please ensure it is installed
We will use programming in this lesson to attempt to solve the "The Pusher library requires the PHP cURL module. Please ensure it is installed".
You have to enable the PHP curl module to remove The Pusher library requires the PHP cURL module. Please ensure it is installed in Laravel-
Enable php curl module/extension
--PATH E:\laragon\bin\php\php-8.0.16-Win32-vs16-x64\php.iniextension=curl //In ubuntu you can run below command to install php curl module. apt install php-curl
Enable php curl module by removing the ; from the ;extension=curl in php.ini file.
Find ;extension=curl in php.ini file and remove ; from it or just place extension=curl in case you did not find the ;extension=curl in php.ini.
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