Method chaining in Laravel
Created at 19-Jul-2023 ,
By samar
Method chaining in Laravel follows the same concept as method chaining in PHP.
To create method chaining in your own PHP class, you need to follow these steps:
- Define your class: Start by creating a class and defining the methods you want to chain. Each method should return the instance of the class ($this) to allow for chaining. Create a test directory in app folder of Laravel project and create a file Calculation.php in it add below code.
namespace App\Test;
class Calculation {
public $result;
public function __construct(){
$this->result = 0;
public function add($num){
$this->result += $num;
return $this;
public function substract($num){
$this->result -= $num;
return $this;
public function multiply($num){
$this->result *= $num;
return $this;
public function getResult(){
return $this->result;
- Chain the methods: Within each method, you can call other methods on $this to chain them together. This allows you to invoke multiple methods in a single statement.
use App\Test\Calculation;
Route::get('/method-chain', function(){
return (new Calculation())->substract(10)->add(20)->multiply(5)->getResult();
- Now hit the url
in your browser. You will see the result.
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