link storage folder in laravel 8
link storage folder in laravel 8
Good day, guys. In this post, we’ll look at how to solve the "link storage folder in laravel 8" programming puzzle.
You can link the storage folder in laravel using php artisan command and you can also run a PHP script to create a symbolic link between two folders.-
Link storage folder using php script in laravel
--PATH routes\web.phpRoute::get('/storage-link', function(){ $target = storage_path('app/public'); $link = public_path('/storage'); symlink($target, $link); echo "symbolic link created successfully"; })
You can simply use this code snippet to create a symbolic link between two folders. Sometimes you don’t have to access the terminal to run artisan commands. In that case it helps you to create a symbolic link between two folders in your laravel project. You have to simply visit the storage-link url to create a symbolic link.
Storage link using \Artisan::call() in web.php
--PATH routes\web.phpRoute::get('/storage-link', function(){ \Artisan::call('storage:link'); dd('Storage link created!'); });
This code snippet call storage:link command using php script and create storage link between storage/app/public and public/storage directory.
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