Laravel specific table Migration
Laravel specific table Migration
In this session, we will try our hand at solving the "Laravel specific table Migration".
Migrate a particular table in laravel
--PATH /database/migrations/<your_file_name>.phpphp artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/2021_04_09_053158_create_projects_table.php
You can run a migration command to create a migration for a specific file under the database/migrations folder. Change the file name as per your file name instead of
in my case and after that run migrate command. You table structure will be successfully created after the migrate command. -
Create Migrations In Different Folder In Laravel
php artisan migrate:make create_payments_table --path=app/migrations/payments
You can use the same --path option while creating migration and it will easily create the migration in the newly defined path. After running the above command new migration will be created into the app/migrations/payments folder.
Run All Migrations In Different Folder In Laravel
php artisan migrate --path=app/migrations/payments
we have created new migrations in a different folder structure (
) thandatabase/migrations
. You can run all that migrations by using same--path
option withphp artisan migrate
command. -
How do I run a specific migration table?
- Migrate
php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/fileName.php
. - Roolback
php artisan migrate:rollback --path=/database/migrations/fileName.php
. - Refresh
php artisan migrate:refresh --path=/database/migrations/fileName.php
- Migrate
How to Migrate Specific File from Migration in Laravel?
To run the specific migration in Laravel, you need to use –path option with the php artisan migrate command. Let's take a simple example, we have '2019_12_04_131405_create_payments_table. php' migration in the database/migrations directory and we would like to run this migration.
How to migrate single migration in Laravel?
We just need to migrate only single or specific migration. If we run normal migrate command it will migrate all the migrations written in the application. Here i will let you know to migrate single migration in laravel. Now if we want to run only one migration or a specific migration, we will need to define a path parameter and will need to specify the path of that migration file which we want to run. eg:
php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/my_migration.php
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