Laravel create table migration with model
Laravel create table migration with model
We’ll attempt to use programming in this lesson to solve the "Laravel create table migration with model" puzzle.
You can create both a model and migration file to create table structure using a single command. This command will automatically create the model and migration file which is very convenient as compared to creating manually.-
Create project table with model and migration
// Create project model with migration php artisan make:model Project --migration // Add columns to project migration file under - database\migrations\<2021_04_21_125826>_create_projects_table.php Schema::create('projects', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $table->string('name'); $table->timestamps(); }); // Run migrate command to create table structure php artisan migrate
First you have to run artisan command with php artisan make:model Project --migration. This command will create a model and migration for your table structure. After that you can add columns to the migration file and run the php artisan migrate command.
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