Laravel create default admin user
Laravel create default admin user
With this article, we’ll look at some examples of how to address the "Laravel create default admin user" problem.
Sometimes you have to create an admin account in a laravel application. You can create an account using register form in laravel or you can also create the account using seeder and tinker shell. You can also create a key value pair for extra column which exists in your users table-
Create user using php artisan tinker command
//Run tinker shell using tinker command on terminal php artisan tinker //Just copy paste below code in tinker shell it will create a new user for you. //Create user using create method on user model User::create(['name'=>'admin', 'email'=>'admin@admin.com', 'email_verified_at'=> now(), 'password'=> bcrypt('adminpass')]);
You can create a user using the tinker command in Laravel. You have to run the tinker command php artisan tinker to start the tinker shell after that you create a user using the create method on the user model. You can also pass additional columns and values in the script such as ‘role_id’=> 2.
Create user using seeder
// Create Seeder file using command php artisan make:seeder AdminUserSeeder //database\seeders\AdminUserSeeder.php <?php namespace Database\Seeders; use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; use App\Models\User; class AdminUserSeeder extends Seeder { /** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { User::create(['name'=>'admin', 'email'=>'admin@admin.com', 'email_verified_at'=> now(), 'password'=> bcrypt('adminpass')]); } } //database\seeders\DatabaseSeeder.php public function run() { $this->call([ AdminUserSeeder::class, ]); } //Command for database seeding php artisan db:seed --class=AdminUserSeeder
You can create a new user using a database seeder in laravel. You have to create a seeder using php artisan make:seeder command. After that you can use your user create script in the run method in the created file under database\seeders directory, pass seeder class to DatabaseSeeder.php and run php artisan db:seed command.
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