Ignore Records where a field has NULL value in Laravel
Ignore Records where a field has NULL value in Laravel
Good day, guys. In this post, we’ll look at how to solve the "Ignore Records where a field has NULL value in Laravel" programming puzzle.
If you want to ignore the records where a field of table has NULL value then you can use whereNotNull() eloquent method in Laravel. It will remove all the records from collection which have null value in the specified column.-
WhereNotNull eloquent example code in Laravel
$users = DB::table('users') ->whereNotNull('phone_number') ->get();
It will helps you to get all the users records from users table which does not have null value in phone_number column. Or we can say that it will ignore the records which records have null value in phone_number column in table.
If you want to ignore the records which have null value in a specific column then you can use eloquent whereNotNull in Laravel to get the records which does not have null value in a specific column.
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