How to remove package from laravel
How to remove package from laravel
We’ll attempt to use programming in this lesson to solve the "How to remove package from laravel" puzzle.
You can remove package from laravel project using compser remove command. It will remove package from vendor folder and remove package item from composer.json file.-
Remove package in laravel
composer remove package/name
Step by step instruction to remove package in laravel
1. To remove package in laravel run composer remove command
composer remove package/name
You can change the package name that you want to remove. It will remove the line from composer.json and also files from the vendor folder.
2. Delete file from config folder
File path: config\<packageconfiguration>.php
Delete file under config folder which is related to package.
3. Delete related tables from database
Delete tables from the database which are related to the package. You can find the tables name from configuration file which is exists inside config folder.
4. Remove package items from providers and aliases array in config\app.php if exists
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