How to pass query string to url in laravel
Created at 07-Sep-2021 ,
By samar
How to pass query string to url in laravel
With this article, we will examine several different instances of how to solve the "How to pass query string to url in laravel".
You can pass query string to URL in laravel using named route and controller action. You can pass query string as comma separated array to named route and controller action and redirect to URL.-
Pass query string to url using named route in laravel
<?php <a href="{{ route('searchResult', ['keyword' => 'samar']) }}"> URL with query string </a> //Output <a href="http://localhost:8000/search/all?keyword=samar" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://localhost:8000/search/all?keyword=samar</a> //Step by step code implementation //# Create route in web.php use App\Http\Controllers\SearchController; Route::get('/search/all/', [SearchController::class, 'getAllSearchResult'])->name('searchResult'); //Create SearchController if not exists with method getAllSearchResult php artisan make:controller SearchController //#Create controller method //app\Http\Controllers\SearchController.php <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; class SearchController extends Controller { public function getAllSearchResult(){ $getQueryString=\Request::fullUrl(); dd($getQueryString); } }
Pass query string to url using controller action in laravel
<?php action('SearchController@getAllSearchResult', ['keyword'=> 'samar']) //Output : <a href="http://localhost:8000/search/all?keyword=samar" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://localhost:8000/search/all?keyword=samar</a> //Go to the generated query string URL using controller action. //#In controller’s method return redirect(action('SearchController@getAllSearchResult', ['keyword'=> 'samar'])); //#In view file <a href="{{ action('SearchController@getAllSearchResult', ['keyword'=> 'samar']) }}"> Action URL with Query string </a> //Step by step code implementation //# Create route in web.php use App\Http\Controllers\SearchController; Route::get('/search', [SearchController::class, 'getSearch'])->name('search'); Route::get('/search/all/', [SearchController::class, 'getAllSearchResult'])->name('searchResult'); //#Create SearchController if not exists with method getSearch and getAllSearchResult php artisan make:controller SearchController //#app\Http\Controllers\SearchController.php <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; class SearchController extends Controller { public function getSearch(){ return redirect(action('SearchController@getAllSearchResult', ['keyword'=> 'samar'])); } public function getAllSearchResult(){ $getQueryString=\Request::fullUrl(); dd($getQueryString); } } //On visit url <a href="http://localhost:8000/search/all?keyword=samar">http://localhost:8000/search</a> it will redirect you to url <a href="http://localhost:8000/search/all?keyword=samar">http://localhost:8000/search/all?keyword=samar</a>
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