How to create belongstomany relation using custom name on custom pivot table
How to create belongstomany relation using custom name on custom pivot table
Through many examples, we will learn how to resolve the "How to create belongstomany relation using custom name on custom pivot table".
You can create belongstomany relation on custom pivot table with custom column name by passing the custom pivot table name with their custom pivot column name. You have to pass the arguments to method custom pivot table name with custom pivot column name to belongstomany methods.-
Create custom belongstomany relation on custom pivot table with custom column name in laravel
//Pivot table model EventSpeaker with custom table name event_speakers use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot; class EventSpeaker extends Pivot { use HasFactory; protected $table = 'event_speakers'; } //Basically, table event_speakers does not follow the naming convention for pivot tables as per laravel naming convention as per laravel it should be (event_user). //Event model with speakers method (custom belongsToMany) class Event extends Model { use HasFactory; protected $fillable = ['name', 'timezone_id', 'user_id', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'description', 'visibility', 'is_online', 'event_address', 'event_venue', 'broadcast_link']; public function speakers() { return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'event_speakers', 'event_id', 'speaker_id')->using(EventSpeaker::class)->withTimestamps(); } } //Speakers belong to the users' table. Default naming conventions are used to store data in pivot tables with tablename_primaryidoftable. We have passed the custom pivot table name with custom column speaker_id to this method. //Attach method on speakers() method to insert value in the pivot table. $speakers = $request->speaker_id; $event->speakers()->attach($speakers); //There are three tables (users, events, event_speakers).
There are two tables used to create the pivot table, users table and events table. Here speakers method (custom method name) is used as a belongstomany relationship instead of the user's method in the model. Here we created a pivot table with custom name event_speakers which is used to store the event table id and users table id with custom name speaker_id.
Here we store user id as speaker id in the pivot table which is related to the event table which works as the second table.
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