Get latest record by created at in Laravel
Get latest record by created at in Laravel
In this session, we’ll try our hand at solving the "Get latest record by created at in Laravel" puzzle by using the computer language.
You can get the latest record by using created_at column in Laravel with orderBy(), sortByDesc(), latest() method. There are lots of method available in Laravel to get the latest record from the table. You can use one of them to get the latest record from table in Laravel-
Get latest record from users table using sortByDesc() method on created at column in Laravel
$lastRecord = App\Models\User::all()->sortByDesc('created_at')->take(1)->toArray(); return $lastRecord;
"created_at":"2021-10-17T03:36:45.000000Z","updated_at":"2021-09-24T03:36:45.000000Z"}}This code snippet get all the users records from users table and sort it by descending order and take first item from collection after sorting.
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