Command to create MySQL Docker image and access the MySQL command-line interface (CLI) within a running Docker container
In this article you will learn about to how to create a docker container named mysql-server using image mysql:latest and will learn about how to access the MySQL command-line interface (CLI) within a running Docker container named mysql-server.
First run the Docker container based on the latest version of the MySQL Docker image.
docker run --name mysql-server -p 3308:3308 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:latest
Now run command docker exec -it mysql-server mysql -u root -p
allows you to access the MySQL command-line interface (CLI) within a running Docker container named "mysql-server".
docker exec -it mysql-server mysql -u root -p
Here is the detailed information about above command.
docker exec: This is the Docker command to execute a command in a running container.
-it: Specifies that the command should be executed interactively, allowing you to interact with the container's terminal.
mysql-server: Specifies the name of the Docker container to execute the command in.
mysql: This is the MySQL CLI command that you want to execute within the container.
-u root: Specifies the MySQL user to connect as. In this case, it's the root user.
-p: Prompts for the MySQL password.
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