Call to undefined relationship [user] on model [App\Models\Post]
Call to undefined relationship [user] on model [AppModelsPost]
Good day, guys. In this post, we’ll look at how to solve the "Call to undefined relationship [user] on model [AppModelsPost]" programming puzzle.
Sometimes we got error Call to undefined relationship [user] on model [App\Models\Post] while calling relationship method using with() on model without defining the method in model class.-
Get user/author detail using belongsTo relation on post model
//app\Models\Post.php class Post extends Model { //Add user method in existing post model public function user(){ return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\User'); } } //Code snippet to get the user/author details with post. $data = Post::with('user')->first(); dd($data); //Import post model after the namespace in controller or anywhere you want to use the above code use App\Models\Post;
You have to create a user method with belongsTo relationship in the post model. It helps you to get the user or author information using the user_id (foreign_id) of the posts table and id (primary key) column of users table.
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