(index):128 Uncaught TypeError: MobileNumberVal.test is not a function

Created at 12-Jul-2023 , By samar

I am getting an error (index):128 Uncaught TypeError: MobileNumberVal.test is not a function while using !MobileNumberVal.test(regexMobile) in my function while validating the mobile number on form submit.

Here is my code. Give me a solution for the error.

HTML Input element

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="mobile" id="mobileNumber">

Javascript code

var mobileNumberElem = $('#mobileNumber');
var MobileNumberVal  = mobileNumberElem.val();
var regexMobile = /^\d{10}$/;

    showErrorMsg(mobileNumberElem, 'Please provide accurate mobile number !');
    isValid = false;
  • Replace !MobileNumberVal.test(regexMobile) with !regexMobile.test(MobileNumberVal)

    You have to just replace the code !MobileNumberVal.test(regexMobile) with !regexMobile.test(MobileNumberVal) in your script. Your code will look like below.

    var mobileNumberElem = $('#mobileNumber');
    var MobileNumberVal  = mobileNumberElem.val();
    var regexMobile = /^\d{10}$/;
        showErrorMsg(mobileNumberElem, 'Please provide accurate mobile number !');
        isValid = false;

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