Remove property from object in javascript

Created at 25-Sep-2021 , By samar

Remove property from object in javascript

With this article, we’ll look at some examples of how to address the "Remove property from object in javascript" problem.

You can remove property (key:value) from object in javascript. Sometimes we have to remove an existing property from object to perform some specific task. Here we provide advanced code snippet to remove property from object.
  • Remove property from object in javascript using arrow function

    const removeProperty = (target, propertyToRemove) => {
        const { [propertyToRemove]: _, ...newTarget } = target
        return newTarget
    const w3obj = { a: 10, b: 20 }
    const w3objwithoutB = removeProperty(w3obj, 'b') 


    { a: 10 }

    It will remove property (key and value pair) from object in javascript. You have to assign the key of property which you want to remove from object in javascript. Here we assign the value b which removes the property b:20 from object.

  • Remove property from object in javascript using delete operator

    const w3obj = { a: 10, b: 20 }
    delete w3obj.b;

    Delete operator is used to remove a property from an object. You can use the delete operator with . or [ ] to remove the property from an object.

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