Check if value exists in array javascript
Created at 09-Mar-2021 ,
By samar
Check if value exists in array javascript
Through the use of the programming language, we will work together to solve the "Check if value exists in array javascript" puzzle in this lesson.
<script> var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Lemon", "Orange", "Papaya"]; if(fruits.indexOf("Lemon") !== -1){ document.write("Value exists!"); } else{ document.write("Value does not exists!"); } </script>
The indexOf() method returns the index number of the specified element. If the specified element exists in the array it returns the value (0, 1, 2, 3, and so on) as per the index number of the element. If the element does not exist in the array it returns -1. The indexOf() method is case sensitive. It treats “Lemon” and “lemon” as different values. The IndexOf() method returns -1 on NaN, even (NaN) value exists in the array. But includes() method treats it (NaN) as a different way and returns true. -
<script> var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange", "Papaya"]; document.write("[\"Apple\", \"Banana\", \"Mango\", \"Orange\", \"Papaya\"]" + "<br/><br/>"); document.write("True means value exists in the array and false means value does not exist in the array."+ "<br/> <br/>"); document.write("Search Banana : " + fruits.includes("Banana") + "<br>"); // Outputs: true document.write("Search banana : " + fruits.includes("banana") + "<br>"); // Outputs: false document.write("Search Coconut : " + fruits.includes("Coconut") + "<br>"); // Outputs: false document.write("Search Orange : " + fruits.includes("Orange") + "<br>"); // Outputs: true document.write("Search ORange : " + fruits.includes("ORange") + "<br>"); // Outputs: false document.write("Search Cherry : " + fruits.includes("Cherry")); // Outputs: false </script>
Includes method returns true and false as output. It returns true if the specified value exists in the array and returns false if the value does not exist in it. The Includes method is case sensitive. Includes method can be implemented on string also. You can use this method to check if value exists in array or not. javascript includes() method, var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange", "Papaya"]; fruits.includes("Banana");.
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